A downloadable game


Hold Left Click : to pick up chess piece, and let go where you want to place it.

Hold Right Click:  to rotate the camera.


This was a Production for Client Assessment I Completed in Year 2 of my study.

The brief was :  

Project Goal

Make a game that defies genre! 

It could have an entirely new viewpoint, or set of verbs the player performs, or executes on a design metaphor that has never been tried before.

Required Elements

Make a game that cannot be defined by a pre-existing game.

It can have elements of things that have been done before, but overall should feel like it’s the first of its kind!







A game that takes chess and flips it on its head, making you play chess against yourself as you deal with an outside 3 force that interrupts how you play.

Our game falls within the criteria due to us taking a standard genre and game like chess and doing something completely different with it. 

There is no genre name that would appropriately fit this type of game, playing against yourself is irregular and prolonging the game to try and win is also unheard of in this context.


Kill 7 Eldritch Entities, don't checkmate yourself.


Stanislav Katunin (me) - did a majority of the custom coding however received substantial help from programming friends and teacher especially regarding custom pieces and basic AI.   

Co-Created with BrianMcNamee https://brian-mcnamee.itch.io/ - who did the majority of finding and implementing art assets, level design and audio for the game. Going for a more "cheesy" horror aesthetic after not being able to match a horror style game with the deadline given. 

The Enemy Model GreyMind is based of the Angel of Death from Hellboy 2 uploaded to Sketchfab by crisisestudio 


Enemy audio - The enemy audio in the game is Boss Audio Clips from the Game Path of Exile by Grinding Gear Games - Pulled from this site https://oriath.net/Audio/

The Standard Chess code was made by following The Unity YouTube tutorial by Mercenary Camp.

Credits to all the music artists whos sounds were utilized in this project (permission for non commercial uses)

End game Music



Main tavern music



horror music (both tracks)


If any of these artist are not in agreement please contact one of the creators and we will organize an alternative.


Beyond The Checkered Veil V9.zip 184 MB

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